Thursday, March 28, 2013

Feature in Yoganonymous newsletter!

Just wanted to give you the heads up that I am featured in this week's YOGANONYMOUS Newsletter. Click the link below and check it out, and please feel free to share the link with your community and social networks.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A 10-Minute Morning Rputine to Kickstart Your Spring!

My new article published A 10-Minute Morning Yoga Routine to Kickstart Your Spring! try it out let me know if you like it and leave feedback if you dare :-). Please share it on! Jai!

A 10-Minute Morning Yoga Routine to Kickstart Your Spring!
It has occured, spring equinox has come and now it’s time to get in gear for that spring mentality and summer body. Focus on heat builders, energy lifters

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I am- A Yoga Piem

Here is my link:
My newest post on Yoganonymous make sure to hit the like button and leave some feedback,- share it on- love to all, jai!